October 23


Planning approval from North Devon District Council has been delayed slightly until the location of two bat boxes, required as a mitigation measure during construction, is confirmed but approval should be in place by the time this report is published.

Detailed design work on our plans is underway and we shall be engaging a mechanical and electrical engineer to work with our architect and a quantity surveyor who will review the costings and manage the tender process. A small working group has been established to review this work as we progress through the Stage 4 work plan. The completion of Stage 4 is planned for February next year, however, progress into Stage 5 construction will depend on the availability of funding.

We have been working on an application for funds from the Government sponsored Community Ownership Fund which has proved to be a demanding process but is now close to completion for submission online. Applications must be submitted between 30th August and 11th October which we shall comfortably meet. We do not know how long it will take to hear the outcome.

The Village Hall Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 23rd October at 7.30pm and we want to encourage as many of you as possible to attend to ask questions and hear directly from us what we are planning to do. Please note that this is the first AGM since the charity became an incorporated organisation which requires proposals for the election of new trustees to be declared to us two weeks prior to the AGM. The agenda will be displayed two weeks before the meeting. 

Finally, some dates for your diaries in the run up to Christmas. We have another Ceilidh dance evening on 3rdNovember at 7.30pm, where you can join in or just watch and listen, and we have our Christmas Fair on Saturday 25thNovember at 2pm with tea, coffee, mince pies, mulled wine and Christmas Grotto for the children organised by the play area group. The very popular Christmas Bingo will be held on Monday 4th December and a Quiz Night on Saturday 16th December.

Thank you for your continued support

Chittlehampton Village Hall Trustees   
