Annual General Meeting 


The Chittlehampton Village Hall’s 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 31st October in the Methodist Hall starting at 7.30pm. 

On the agenda will be an update on the funding situation, a report on the renovation work completed and our future plans including re-opening the hall.

While significant progress has been made since our last AGM, there is still more to do and the continued support of the community will be crucial in seeing us through the coming year, so please put a note in your diary to see what contribution or active involvement you can make to assure the future of this vital community asset. 

Peter Bradshaw (Chair) and Julie Adde will be resigning as trustees which will leave two vacancies on the trustee board for which we invite nominations for candidates who are keen to be an active part of shaping that future. If you know someone and want to put their name forward, please contact Keith Routledge (Trustee) on 01769 540418 or email him at and he will help you and explain what to do. Nominations for new trustees must be submitted to him by 17th October (14 days before the AGM) with the agreement of the person involved.

We want to encourage as much community involvement and commitment as possible to what we are trying to achieve so please come along and make your contribution. Thank you.

Village Hall Trustees.  
