Jan 24


The Government’s Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities has agreed in principle to award a grant of £264,510 towards renovation of the hall from the Community Ownership Fund. This is fantastic news given that across the UK, requests for funding significantly outstrip the funds that are available. A fact borne out by our own experience with the National Lottery who said that our case was not a sufficiently high priority, compared with others, to be considered for a full application. We were able to make this application because, unlike most other village halls, our charity is a legal entity in its own right; known as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

A great deal of work goes into the writing of funding applications and our thanks go to Selaine Saxby MP, Paul Henderson Devon County Council and Ian Roome Leader of North Devon District Council for their much appreciated formal letters of support for our application, and to Sue Whitehead for her support, as well. As it is Government money, these letters were likely to be vital factors in the final decision. We now await a meeting in January with the Department to discuss the details of our project and to sign an official funding agreement.

This award puts us in a strong funding position to start the much needed renovation work but we have more work to do and a few challenges to overcome. A further £50,000 of funding needs to be committed to match the award before we can start and we have 12 months to complete the work. Rest assured, we are already working on it. Nevertheless, it was a great Christmas for all those who have the best interests of the village hall at heart.

If you would like to help us on our way to bridge the funding gap, personal and business contributions to the cause will be very much appreciated. To do so please contact Martin Ives, our Treasurer, on 01769 540886. Alternatively, if you have a fund-raising idea that you would like to discuss with us, please contact Keith Routledge on 01769 540418.

Work continues on the detail design of our future village hall to gain building regulations approval and better understand the costs involved in its construction. We will develop a construction plan that prioritises the renovation work and make best use of the funds that will now be available from the above award and continue to pursue further sources of funding.

On a seasonal note, both the Christmas Fair and the Christmas Bingo evening proved to be highly popular which nicely set the scene for the subsequent festivities. The Fair raised £380, shared with the Play Area Group, and over £600 was raised by the 100 or so players at the Bingo evening. Lots of ‘likes’ and a total of £1,000 raised, in all.

Thank you for your continued support.

Chittlehampton Village Hall Trustees   
