Renovation Commences


Chitttlehampton Village Hall at 8.30am on Monday 3rd June 2024 was the place, time and date when the contract to start the renovation of our village hall was signed by Peter Bradshaw our Chair and Mat Winterbourne Director of Culmex Construction Ltd. Work started immediately and is due to complete at the end of September.

Schedule of work by month will be

June:   Demolish and rebuild small East end extension

            External battening for wall cladding, Install bat loft

July:     Improve drainage, Start replacing roof

Aug:     Complete roof replacement

Sept:    Install cladding and new windows

However, we are not finished yet – we still need your support to re-open the hall as soon as possible. The electrics need to be reconfigured to provide power and the toilets refurbished. Anything you can do to help will be highly appreciated. A new heating system and modern fire alarm system are also on the list. We await the outcomes of two ‘live’ funding applications and are preparing three more for submission this month.

We have much still to do.

Chittlehampton Village Hall Trustees
