May 24


Chittlehampton Village Hall Update – May 2024

Donations to the Village Hall renovation work have now reached £43,000. A very big thank you to everyone who has donated no matter how large or small – it all adds up, and remember to Gift Aid it please.

At the time of writing, we still await the outcome of some important funding applications which are expected at the end of April, so we have our fingers firmly crossed. We have also applied for an ACRE Rural Buildings Loan in case it is needed. 

We have now completed a formal tendering process for the construction work which attracted tenders from three builders. After following an interview assessment and moderation process, we are pleased to say that we have selected our preferred supplier and have started discussions and negotiations on the details of the JCT building contract that will underpin the work. We still intend to start work on 3rd June and the hall will be closed from 16th May. 

The attendance and reaction to our 6-Gig Show on 13th April was amazing. It featured performers, all with local connections, who willingly gave their own time and effort to perform a wide range of musical genres to the delight of everyone involved. A big thank you to all the performers, who were brilliant, and to those who helped organise the event and helped on the day. We raised £1,450 which will go towards the village hall renovations work.

We round off the village hall entertainment calendar on Saturday 20th April with a ‘Posh’ Casino Night, but more about that next month 

Thank you for your continued support.

Chittlehampton Village Hall Trustees 
