April 24


Chittlehampton Village Hall Update – April 2024

Your donations to the Village Hall renovation work continue to roll in for which the Trustees are extremely grateful. A very big thank you to everyone who has made a donation no matter how large or small – it all adds up, and remember to Gift Aid it if you can.  

Some very good news – we can announce that our application to the Bernard Sunley Foundation was successful with a grant of £15,000 approved by its trustees and we received £4,500 from three smaller trusts which, together, took our funding thermometer up to the £40,000 mark. We await the outcome of two further applications which should be due soon. 

We still have some challenges ahead but all options are being considered to see our way forward and to get us ‘get over the line’ and start the renovation work.

Building controls documents and drawings have been submitted and tenders for the renovation work were published in March. Three  interested companies have engaged with us and their tenders are under review to decide who will be our preferred supplier.

We still intend to start work on 3rd June and the hall will be closed from 16th May.  Alternative arrangements for our regular events will be in place, where possible, before it’s closed.

Our fund-raising events continue unabated with the Bingo and Whist sessions our main contributors as well as the Skittles evening which raised £254, the jumble sale contributing over £300 and the Ceilidh, which attracted people from as far afield as Northam, raising £206. The Easter Fair was not as popular as last year but raised £290.

For April, we have organised two more events before we close. We have a major event for the community, featuring local talented musicians and performers who have willingly given their time for free to entertain you, the community, and help fund-raise for the hall. The Chittlehampton ‘Six Gigs’ Show will take place on Saturday 13th April, and details can be found in this magazine, on Facebook, on our website. There will also be a Casino Night on Saturday 20th April – details to follow.

Thank you for your continued support.

Chittlehampton Village Hall Trustees 
